Just Jobs

Official Website of JustJobs Camp

How it works

JustJobs Camp is a volunteer run org/camp that works to get jobs for any and all. This camp requires volunteers and donations to work. Those who ahve signed up for JustJobs Camp will attend for 3 hours every saturday. We have yet to find the perfect place to meet our needs but more infromation will follow as this project develops. Feel free to send any questions you may have to me by clicking the issues tab at the top of the page that you will see when you click, "me".

Example #1

So, let's say we get a young man who needs help finding his first job. We'll call this young man Bob. So, Bob got out of highschool and found himself in a tough situation. He didn't have enough money to go to college and he couldn't even write a decent resume for a job. So, Bob has now signed up for JustJobs Camp. Our volunteers help Bob write his resumes and Bob finds himself a small apartment. Bob finds a job at a resturant where he eventually becomes the manager. After finding his knack in the buisness deparment, Bob goes to buisness school and finds himself in a good situation again. Bob can now be happy, as every human deserves to be.

Paying It Back

Now that Bob is a man in his twenties, he has a stable job, and he has plenty of money to live right, Bob is looking to pay it back to us. So, there are multiple ways that Bob may contribute. As a non-profit organization that runs off of donations and volunteers, JustJobs appreciates all donations and volunteers, as well as places to host the camp and suplies. Bob could volunteer at our camps, help us tart a branch of the camp in a different city, or donate. It doesn't have to be just the people who have been through our program who donate though, you can too! JustJobs is always looking for money, people, locations, and supplies. You can help all the people in lafayette and maybe more get back on their feet and live the life that all humans deserve.

Our Mission

Our mission here at JustJobs is to provide everyone with a good life. Everyone in our world could do with some help, even those who seem to lead a perfect life. Sometimes, even a job won't fix everything, which is why at JustJobs, we do more than just find people jobs, we teach them, because knowledge us everything. At JustJobs, our motto is, "For a better world, it's Just Jobs!" and while this is very much true, sometimes you have to look deeper than slogans, which is why this help page exists. For more direct acces to this page, just use the url, "jennybao.com/justJobs.html" Have a good day!